Past Projects
At the end of most Investigaytors cycles, participants produce a knowledge product which communicates their findings to community members, service providers, and researchers. The most recent examples of Investigaytors knowledge products include:
Vancouver Investigaytors: “Access PrEP Step by Step: a queer guy’s toolkit for effective self-advocacy in BC”
Since January 2018, PrEP has been available free of charge for most queer guys in BC. This toolkit was made by and for queer guys to give us the tools to effectively self-advocate for PrEP and our own sexual health. Here you will find information about PrEP and resources to help guide a conversation between you and a doctor. Navigating the healthcare system can be complicated - consider this toolkit a roadmap to getting PrEP!
Edmonton Investigaytors: “Alberta Sex Now Survey 2019 Analysis”
In 2019, Edmonton Investigaytors participants completed a series of self-directed research projects using 2019 Sex Now Survey data to better understand the health experiences of queer, trans, and Two Spirit people living in Alberta. Projects included:
- Inequities in the Mental Health Concerns of Alberta’s SGM Community
- T4T? Recent Sex with Trans Individuals as a Metric of Trans Inclusion in Alberta’s gbMSM Community
- Does U=U Impact Sexual Behaviour?
- The Relationships Between Marginalization and Community Satisfaction Among Queer Albertans
To check out more Investigaytors research projects and knowledge products click here.